Well, I missed one. My goal is to post at least once a week, shooting for midweek but usually later than that. I missed my personal deadline though, which is no later than midnight on Friday. Earlier, I was shooting for two posts per week, but life is far too hectic. So, I’m posting on a Saturday morning because I finally got a bit of a breather.
The weather here has been mild the last few days, with one day that seemed unseasonably chilly and required we pull out the sweaters we thought had been put away for the season. I was struck that night by how perfect it would have been for camping. Clear and cold, ideal conditions for a cozy evening by a fire and a good sleep all tucked into a nice warm sleeping bag. Even on the hard ground, there are few sleeps that are as restful as one in the fresh night air.
But it’s been a while since I’ve been camping. It’s been a while since I’ve done much of anything that wasn’t almost pure survival mode.
I’m honestly not sure what the point of this post is, other than putting down some thoughts that have been floating around the back of my mind for a few days.
It was odd, stepping outside that night, the blast of chilly air, the faint smell of wood smoke, the almost-silent murmur of the evening after the birds have roosted. It was like stepping into the past. I fully expected to turn and see a campfire, friends and family gathered around it talking and laughing late into the night. It was a privilege to have that, one that I didn’t recognize at the time. I’m sure even now, as I face various challenges, that there are those rare moments of peace and happiness that I’m taking for granted. That I will look back on wistfully with the realization that I didn’t recognize the privilege that it was. I’m trying to be more conscious of that.
Around here spring is coming to an end, summer is beginning. If you have a chance to bond with nature, I encourage it. Even if it’s just a short walk at a park now and then. Hold close those you love, and be patient with them. The seasons will keep turning. Endings and beginnings. Be conscious of the good days and try to let go of the bad days.
I intended for this blog to be a journey, not a journal. I doubt that anything I put down here will effect any change in the universe. Still, making it a habit is important. Few goals can be reached that don’t start with good habits. So, here is my post for the week. A little late, and not really what my vision for the blog is, but it’s still here.
Cheers to you if you’ve read this far.