I am a sci-fi fan, and have a special love for time travel stories. This blog is named after an entry at tvtropes.org (the below is edited for brevity):
The story cuts between two different time periods, but the plotlines are separated in time as well as space; one of them is chronologically in advance of the other. The narrator treats the two different plot threads in different times as if they were happening simultaneously, despite the fact that, chronologically, the plot thread in the past is going to be resolved long before the thread in the future starts.
My original concept for this blog was commentary on “life in the future,” that is, the time period in which we live, that was an unimaginably distant future to youthful me. Telephone-video watches in the 1980s were literal science-fiction, the fact that I can buy one today is still somewhat mind-boggling. Unfortunately, the blog never materialized and I let the domain go away, sadly.
Long ago I registered this domain but let it lapse. Almost 2 years ago I decided to use the same WP account to start blogging again without a domain. Then the domain name became available again, so why not continue back where I started?
About the author
Hi, my name is Brandon and I’m not like the other blogs.
I kid, I kid. I am exactly like the other blogs.
My intent with my resurrected blog is to explore the interface between technology and creativity, specifically methods for a creative person to go from idea, to digital and analog planning, to execution, and finally to a finished object (either analog or digital). If you’re reading this, you have likely integrated the aforementioned “futuristic” technology into your life. So, I have thoughts on how to make it useful, and am constantly on the lookout for methods and tools to streamline the creative process from concept to completion.
My current interest set includes: 3D printing, electronics, woodworking, drawing/sketching (digital painting, sometimes), fiction writing (nothing published), scale modelling, sewing… I’ll stop there because those are always in the back of my mind, and most ideas that I have and want to turn into projects will revolve around those areas. However, I am constantly promoting or demoting things as my interests wax and wane.
I will possibly remark on these or other subjects, while pursuing my ultimate goal of sorting out how to keep all the loose ends from flying away.
Faceted crystal image, Rostislav Uzunov on Unsplash